This Page Features…

Some of the built in blocks we’ve created for you.  It’s built on Bootstrap - so you have access to all the styles and goodness that brings.

Don’t worry - we can configure this for you - or if you prefer - build your site based on this StarterSite for you as well!  Editing it once it launches will be a breeze.

Large Banner - Text on the Side


This is the large banner with the text on the side.

It's an alternative to the main banner with text


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This is a Heading

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding. Sesame snaps gummi bears cupcake sesame snaps sesame snaps croissant chupa chups marzipan. Soufflé chocolate icing candy canes chocolate cake sesame snaps. Sweet shortbread sesame snaps muffin tart donut bear claw dessert donut. Powder shortbread candy cotton candy dragée gummies carrot cake. Icing ice cream pie cake pastry cupcake. Topping candy canes apple pie cheesecake bonbon marzipan toffee fruitcake. Shortbread bear claw macaroon apple pie sesame snaps carrot cake.

This is a Heading

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding. 

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Block Image

Button Styles

Primary Button


Secondary Button


Danger Button


Information Button

Blue Outline


Red Outline


Yellow Outline


Green Outline


this is body text in the card

Block Image
Unsplash sunset
Block Image
Unsplash sunset
Block Video
Block Video
Block Video
Block Video

Upcoming Events

Test Event

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding.

One more event

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding.

Another Great Event

Pastry tootsie roll ice cream chocolate halvah sweet roll ice cream pudding shortbread. Donut wafer jelly sweet roll wafer topping candy canes croissant chocolate bar. Marshmallow bear claw cotton candy gummies candy marshmallow icing lollipop danish. Cookie bear claw pie pudding macaroon dragée sweet. Brownie biscuit liquorice liquorice wafer halvah candy.

Google Map From a Single Text Field Demo

Address for Google Map

The Simple GMap Module

This awesome little module takes an address input into a text field and creates a map without needing to use the Google API.

You can configure size, shape and zoom level in the Manage Display area of the text field.