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man looking at a computer screen with drupal 11 modules

Filed Under,, and the StarterSite are all currently Drupal 10.4 websites (along with the dozen or so sites I've built using the StarterSite).  Drupal is currently at version 11.1 and obviously, I'd like to get there as soon as possible.


At the time of this writing, here are the modules that DO work with Drupal 11.

(Any marked with a * are in development versions and not yet recommended by the project maintainer)

Layout Builder

Media Related


Here are the modules that do NOT work with Drupal 11 (yet)

We're Close, But...

I could definitely remove a few features and update to Drupal 11 right now.  However, Drupal 10 EOL isn't until mid to late 2026.  I would prefer to have a fully functional system and update only when everything is ready.